Calculate if you are paying too much rent:

Your landlord overcharges you per month. We can do something about it, please contact us on info@protega.nlvia deze knop

Too high rental costs

The legislator has determined the maximum prices, when it is about rental prices for living spaces smaller than 50 m2. These maximum prices can be found in the following law: Implementing law rental prices living space. A lot of landlords are not informed about this law or they violate this law on purpose. Because of this a lot of landlords pay too much rent. Do you also want to know if you are paying too much rent, then use the calculation tool above. If you are paying too much, we can help you lower your rent with tens of euros or sometimes hundreds of euros.

Service costs

Besides the bare rent, the landlords also often charge service costs. These are costs for among others; gass, water and light. Your landlord asks a monthly advance to cover these costs. This advance is brought to life to cover the common costs, however, the actual costs are always lower. Thus there must be an annual statement of the actual costs with the advance.

It never happens that the actual costs are exactly the same as the advance. You probably guess right, the actual costs are in most cases lower. If not, then the landlord has to pay extra money. Of course he doesn’t take this risk, so he makes sure that the advance is always above the actual costs. Because of this, a buffer is created. However, this buffer has to be returned to the tenants. Unfortunately there is no control on this. To solve this you can contact us. When we can’t mean something for you no costs will be charged. We can reclaim the overpaid service costs up to 5 years ago. This means that you can already be moved and you can still address your landlord.

Mediation costs


Asking for mediaton costs is not permitted by the law, this is stated in article 7:417 paragraph BW. Yet there are many landlords and estate agents that charge these costs. These costs can occur under different names such as: administration costs, key money and contract costs. These terms are covered under the concept of mediation costs. The law simply states that no additional costs are charged next to the rent. The intermediaries that charge costs for mediation can not do this under Article 7:264 BW. If you do pay the mediation costs, then you can reclaim these costs through us.


At the end of a rental contract, there is always a complication about the deposit. Most of the time this is completely unnecessary, because the landlord has to prove that the tenant is not entitled to the deposit, according to article 7:224 lid 2 BW. The landlord must prove that the vandalism has been caused by you. This means the landlord must be able to show photos of the property before the tenant lived in the building and afterwards. In many cases a landlord cannot prove this, so you will soon be entitled to a refund of the deposit. Even when you have caused damage. The landlord must prove that you caused the damage.

Maintenance defects

A common problem with renting is maintenance. The question is who should pay for the maintenance. In principle, article 7:206 BW stipulates that the landlord must assume all maintenance. However article 7:217 BW ensures that the tenant must take small maintenance for his account. If the landlord refures to carry out major maintenance, the rent can be reduced by as much as 50 percent in some cases. If the landlord rectifies the defects he may request the normal rent.